
Once again I underestimated how grueling that 10k is.  I did improve my finish time over last year, and I’m determined to try again next year for the half marathon.  But, I did the right thing to downgrade yesterday, no question.  The trip straight up the dam is beyond difficult.  It zaps every ounce of energy remaining after two previous steep hill climbs.  Then, the run along that flat, long stretch of dam is roughly a mile, which should allow one to make up some lost time.  But it is hot up there, and too much energy at that stretch is spent recovering from scaling the dam.  When I reached the top, I wanted to cry and throw up, both.  But that misery eventually passed, and it then was back down the dam at the other end, and back into the trees.  It is still one of the funnest events ever.  The trails through the trees are immensely enjoyable.

The awesome trails


The top of the dam


That’s the finish line down there.  So close, yet so far away.


Descending back down the dam. 

(Thanks to the race photographers for sharing these!)

Storm the Dam3a Storm the Dam2a

Back into the trees.


The river crossing.


Eventually, I did reach the finish, and enjoyed some delicious race food.


That night, in the rain, I stood just a couple of people back from the stage

and watched this group that I loved way back when.

4 thoughts on “Recovery

    1. Thanks, but gosh, don’t apologize; you were on your own trek! I’ve mostly recovered, but it took longer than expected. It just makes me want to work harder for next year. 🙂


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